1001TOPS.ZIP 91,179 01-06-94 List of 1001 topics for composition incollege English class compiled by ESL Englishas Second Language instructor.
ADAKIT.ZIP 14,096 10-11-94 Project EASI's Adaptive Computing EvaluationKit for Colleges and Universities
ADDTIPS.ZIP 8,580 11-28-94 50 Tips for Teachers with Students with ADD
AFSKL108.ZIP 133,978 11-19-90 Aftrskol V1.08: Provides A Variety Of MarkingMethods Available To Teachers And Makes ItPossible To Experiment With How DifferentMethods Affect Grades; Reports Include ClassLists, Labels, Marks For Posting In Various
AK_104A.ZIP 139,888 01-14-94 Attendance Keeper v1.04A: pgm that performstracking of -day attendance records forelementary schools; very complete;many option
ALGWKS.ZIP 73,212 07-28-91 Algebra Worksheet Generator For Busy Teachers
ATTEND.ZIP 196,586 01-07-95 ATTENDANCE MONITOR attendance program. TheATTENDANCE MONITOR is a full-featuredattendance program for educators. With it youcan monitor absences, excused absences, andtardies; you can show or print the data in
AUTEST.ZIP 37,012 06-12-92 Autotest is a simple computer assistedinstruction pgm that will test your knowledgeby creating fill in the blank type questionsby reading through any ascii text file thatyou specify, and asking you for a missing word
BBYSIT11.ZIP 65,891 08-22-92 Babysitting Help/Tracking Program V. 1.1
BESTTEST.ZIP 166,014 09-08-90 New Released From Maker Of Testmaker. MakesM/c, T/f, Essay, Fill-in, And MatchingQuestions For Tests. Makes Answer Key AndAnswer Forms. Scramble Questions And AnswersWithin Questions. Great Program!
BIOLGY1.ZIP 283,094 04-24-95 Biology Volume 1 Respiration. The studentconducts an "electronic dissection" (with nomess or killing of animals). Study howbreathing occurs at various levels of detailusing live animation. Learning is fun and
BLACKBRD.ZIP 181,948 07-09-91 Create Your Own Computer Tutorials W/ Sound
CAQZ136.ZIP 110,022 05-04-94 CREATE A QUIZ - makes great quizzes! Can beused to create and take multiple choice andfill-in-the-blank tests. Teachers can createinteractive on- screen or printed quizzes forstudents. Version 1.36. An educational
CATTS3V3.ZIP 176,787 05-31-90 Teacher's Grading Book And Electronic TestAdministrator And Scorer. 5/90.
CBOUND12.ZIP 305,017 04-07-94 THE COLLEGE BOUND ADVISOR v1.2 Financial Aid,Scholarship Search Assists the college boundstudent with college selection, financial aidneed, scholarships, sources of info. Customletter writing and auto-dial capability
CFF43.ZIP 194,959 03-13-94 COLLEGE FUNDING FINDER v4.3 helps you locateprivate college financial aid. This financialaid database lists over 350 funding sourcesoffering more than 6,000 scholarships,grants, fellowships, internships,
CLASSLIS.ZIP 398,802 03-30-93 Classlist 5.2 Teacher Record Keeping. Allowsthe teacher to keep records in as simple oras complex a manner as he/she may choose.help screens, backups, Mark weighting, more.
CPL.ZIP 121,922 10-07-92 SCUDDER College Cost Planner includes 1992Costs for many public and private colleges
CWC600.ZIP 246,781 07-13-94 CROSSWORD CREATOR 6.0 <ASP> A PUZZLE EDITOR,DESIGNED FOR CLASSROOM USE- Crossword Creatorhas been tailored to the unique needs ofeducators and instructional materialsprofessionals, especially your *need for
DGTRACKX.ZIP 107,787 04-09-90 Dgtrack Group Attandance/tardy Database ForTeachers Contains All The Files Required ToRun Excluding Paradox Runtime 3.0 And CustomConfiguration Files. This File Is Intended To
ECR.ZIP 164,869 03-09-92 Electronic Class Roll v3.0 Grading programfor teachers.
EDGRANT1.ZIP 11,049 04-15-92 Department of Education Grant/FellowshipPrograms - Part 1, Notice, BilingualEducation, Education Research,Elem/Secon/Posec Education (ASCII Text)
EDGRANT2.ZIP 12,179 04-15-92 Department of Education Grant/FellowshipProgram - Part 2, Special Education,Voc/Adult Education, state point contact(ASCII Text)
EDLIST08.ZIP 9,466 08-15-90 Project Possibilities For Educators IntrestedIn Telecommunications.
EDUCAT21.ZIP 167,527 01-18-94 Educatabase - creates multiple choice tests.Tests can be printed or run on the computer.Features include 5 line questions with 5 twoline multi-choices. Sample tests are included.
EDU_2000.ZIP 209,169 06-12-94 Full text of the GOALS 2000: Educate AmericaAct. Also includes an overview of thisimportant legislation.
EGBUR.ZIP 67,369 08-06-92 Easy Gradebook. This looks like a greatsimple gradebook program if you are enbolvedwith teaching of any sort.
EGBUR13.ZIP 83,980 10-21-92 EGBUR: Easy GradeBook Teachers Gradingprogram for DOS based systems. Calculatesaverages, Std Deviation, Alphabetizes, more.
ESTEEM.ZIP 11,386 11-22-94 Self-Esteem Curricula by Don Closson. In thelast several years a controversy has beenbuilding over the use of self-esteemcurricula in our schools. Educators claimthat these programs encourage creativity,
EXAMBA20.ZIP 124,877 07-26-93 Exam Bank v2.0: Teacher's test maker
EZDRILL.ZIP 163,188 06-02-93 Easy Drill is a utility designed for callingon students for reviews, practice, and groupselections. Students' names are randomlyselected and shown on screen in large font.Previously entered questions can also be
FINAID.ZIP 124,471 05-15-92 Match student's goals with over 200,000
FLMATH3.ZIP 1041,151 06-19-95 * Flashmath for Windows 3.0 A multi-featuredmath flashcard program. This program isextremely easy to use, but very powerful.Testing is built in as is sound. Limits canbe set to focus on selected areas of study.
FRAME111.ZIP 77,095 11-01-92 FRAMES v1.11 <ASP> - A simple Computer-AidedInstruction program that displays text withmultiple-choice and fill-in questions. Inputis from annotated ASCII files. Requires noRuns on any monitor and does not require a
GB.ZIP 339,334 06-08-93 GradeBook for Windows v2.11. AdvancedGradeBoo for the professional educator.Requires VBRUN200.DLL and 2MB.
GB307.ZIP 871,770 03-16-95 GradeBook For Windows v3.07 <ASP>. AdvancedWindows based electronic gradebook for theprofessional educator with extensive on-linehelp. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt orweighted scores, discard worst scores, extra
GEOM_AID.ZIP 142,431 08-20-94 THE GEOMETRY AIDE v1.0 <ASP> A graphicalgeometry plotting system designed to aide ateacher or tutor in instructing novice tointermediate geometry students. 412KB memory,a VGA display and DOS 3.3+ is required; best
GG418.ZIP 448,008 12-15-93 GRADE GUIDE V4.18 <ASP> GRADE GUIDE is aversatile and flexible program used forstoring, retrieving, analyzing, and reportingof students' grades with menus, on-line help,many grade formats, form letters, gradelimits.
GHS30B.ZIP 342,444 09-10-94 GRADESHEET 3.0B <ASP> Powerful & easygradebook program.- Powerful gradebookprogram with an easy interface. Mix letter &number scores, multiple averaging methods,graphical distributions, statistics, pop-upstudents.
GMSTR100.ZIP 97,218 07-29-92 Teacher Grade Book Program Grade Master is anintegrated electronic grade book system. Itallows the user to maintain class data filesconsisting of grading areas, students, andassignments. The program provides simple
GRADBK31.ZIP 75,823 12-06-91 Teacher's Grade Book V3.1: Intended To EaseThe Workload Of An Instructor By Providing ASimple Template In Which Courses Can BeDefined, Student Rosters Can Be Maintained,Student Grades Can Be Recorded, Grade
GRADE.ZIP 34,741 10-10-93 GRADES by Jared Kassien! A great program Thisis the best grade keeper you have ever seen.Try it and find out for yourself.
GRADE20.ZIP 301,698 04-18-95 Grade Organizer for Windows - helpinstructors manage their student's grades. Itallows you to define several subjects andclasses for any time period in any teachingcontext.
GRADE22.ZIP 42,405 05-07-92 The Grade Calculator v2.2: calculates gradesand individual exam question scores; intendedto help teachers and others who give examscalculate the value of individual questions &total grades.
GRADEP4N.ZIP 280,438 03-26-95 GRADE BOOK POWER Version 4.16 ASP Use eithertwo 9-week or 3 6-week terms per semester.Create over 30 different reports. Individualprogress reports include assign- ment date,grade, category averages, grading trend,
GRADER.ZIP 72,050 08-23-91 Teachers Easy Grading Program
GRBOOK12.ZIP 71,058 08-25-93 Gradebook Manager v1.2; Computerizedgradebook, allowing teachers to record gradeson 60 assignments in 4 terms for 40 students.Assignments may be grouped into 4 categories.Gradebook Manager can print reports listing
GRGID419.ZIP 471,028 03-27-94 GRADE GUIDE is a versatile and flexiblepogram used for the storing, retrieving,analyzing, and reporting of students' grades.The program not only provides all thefunctions ailable in a traditional teacher's
GRPLUS.ZIP 261,640 01-07-95 GRADE PLUS / GRADING PROGRAM FOR EDUCATORSCalculates weighted or unweighted grades,accepts points, percents or letter grades.Flexible settings allow use from element- arythrough college. Numerous well desig- ned
GSH30B.ZIP 342,387 09-10-94 GRADESHEET v3.0b: Powerful & easy gradebookprogram.- Powerful gradebook program with aneasy interface. Mix letter & number scores,multiple averaging methods, graphicaldistributions, statistics, pop-up note taker
HSDIR951.ZIP 149,320 03-21-95 Bloomunit Homeschool Directory 95 v1.0contains listings of organizations, supportgroups, curricula/material sources,correspondence schools, available speakers,and much more.
HSDMAY.ZIP 11,803 04-29-94 The May Issue Of PHEA's Home School Digest.
KIDSMATH.ZIP 10,337 08-14-93 EDUCATION: Gifted Youngsters and Math TEXTFILE.
LPLNZ260.ZIP 258,300 10-01-94 LessonPlanZ 2.60 <ASP> Lesson planning madeeasy. Includes areas for methodoloy, goals,objectives, evaluation methods, and supplies.Each section can befrom 1 to 5000 lines using
LUNCH303.ZIP 285,237 02-21-92 Lunch program v3.03: database to track schoollunch room business
MAKEQUIZ.ZIP 53,620 01-20-94 Kwiz Kreator is a program which allows you tomake multiple choice quizes (up to 10questions) and then give it to someone else.
MAKETEST.ZIP 123,048 02-28-92 Use to write tests. Multiple choice, fill in,essay.
MATHFACT.ZIP 31,323 01-25-94 Prints Worksheet for Students to Practice Mat
MATHWK.ZIP 155,578 01-19-91 Math Worksheet Generator For The Busy MathTeacher Customizable Levels.
MATHWKS.ZIP 72,840 07-26-91 Math Worksheet Generator For Educators
MCHOICE.ZIP 97,626 04-18-95 Multiple Choice for Windows - is a powerfultool for creating and taking multiple-choicetests on your computer. Each question cancontain four answers, a feedback statement,and a graphic. Password support is also
MGM.ZIP 126,132 11-10-90 Magic Gradebook Manager. Award WinningGradebook Program. For School Teachers. VeryUser Friendly.
MT400.ZIP 315,147 09-23-92 MASTER TESTER v4.0 creates printed tests,study sheets and computer given quizzes. Itallows you to enter up to 999 questions percourse using a question editor similar tothose found in a word processor. The
MTGP303.ZIP 435,434 04-30-94 MAKING THE GRADE PLUS v3.03 Enhanced versionof Making The Grade, allows up to 90 studentsx 90 sets of scores per class vs 40 x 40 inMTG302. Requires 640K & VGA (runs in 50-linetext mode). Registering either program
MTGU100.ZIP 160,308 12-10-93 =-=-=-=- MTGU 1.00 by Rick Pedley -=-=-=-=MTGU is an add-on utility for Making TheGrade, a teachers' gradebook application.MTGU provides additional functions such asexporting/importing data between MTG andformat.
MTHSHOP1.ZIP 128,228 05-22-93 Math-Shop Series 2.5 (Jack C. Webb; $10-$20)generates math problem worksheets inarithmetic. For teachers, quizzes, et al
MWKS22.ZIP 72,840 07-26-91 Math Worksheet Generator V2.2: Will Generate& Print Worksheets That Are Used To PracticeAnd Reinforce Basic Arithmetical Skills
NPOL103.ZIP 156,835 08-27-92 OLYMPIAD v1.03 <ASP> - Test scoring byquality and quantity for contest winners andscholarships with almost no ties. Maximum of500 tests, 100 questions, and 100 schools orgroups. Ranks individuals, teams of three,
NPTR14.ZIP 156,419 11-25-93 TRAINER v1.4; Scoring tests both forcedchoice and free-choice trains passive pupilsto become self-correcting scholars. Scores20-200 tests by quality and quantity, rewardsself-judgment and responsiblity. No need to
OBE_123.ZIP 26,496 08-04-93 Three Position papers on Outcome BasedEducation. An interesting Dilemma
OBE_TRMS.ZIP 5,091 10-11-94 GLOSSARY OF IMPORTANT OBE TERMS.........*Listing of the "buzzwords" of OBE and * theirdefinitions. * Parent Information Network -PIN *
PAR_PAR1.ZIP 248,280 09-20-92 Parables & Parabolas V1.0 Vgaequired AnEducational Program That Provides A QuickAnalysis Of How An Individual Student Makes AValue Decision. Students May Examine ParablesFrom Writers Such As Casteneda, Kirkegaard, &
PCCAI221.ZIP 935,747 04-04-95 PC-CAI 2.11 <ASP> Award-winning ComputerAssisted Instructional tool. Write computerdriven tutorials on any subject using color,graphics including PCX special effects,animation, questions and answers, menuing and
PCM10.ZIP 85,926 05-01-92 Paul's Classroom Math v. 1.0 from the GoogolMath author is designed for classroom use.Allows for teacher customization, keepsstudent records by name.
PLAN30.ZIP 97,715 09-03-90 Lesson Planner V3.0: Allows Teachers ToCreate A Data Base Of Lessons For Up To 12Different Courses; Fully Configurable W/mouseSupport, Pull-down Menus, Context-sensitiveHelp, And Macro Recording
PREPORT.ZIP 79,750 01-16-93 Tool For Educators To Track Student Progress
P_CONE01.ZIP 22,008 02-21-95 PYROMETRIC CONES v1.0 - Data for teachers andartists about firing ceramics and pottery inkilns. Includes a brief discussion on cones,and time vs temperature tables in bothF and
QASA50.ZIP 229,654 09-06-94 QA STUDY AID V5.0 <ASP> Testing System Testcreation/execution system. Databases up to20000 questions/answers. Includes compilerand interpreter. Presentation, correct answeressay. Relative weighting, letter grade
QBASE10.ZIP 33,902 05-03-92 QBase v1.0s: teachers tool for buildingquizzes.
QMSAT1.ZIP 142,049 03-26-92 Latest version of qmsat. Use to create yourown sat test. Great for teachers and students.
QUIZ224.ZIP 128,588 02-18-95 CREATE A QUIZ - makes great quizzes! Can beused to create and take multiple choice andfill-in-the-blank tests. Teachers can createinteractive on- screen or printed quizzes for2.24. An educational classic!
QUIZM31.ZIP 138,515 03-24-92 QuizMaster version 3.1 fixes some minor bugs.Greate program for students and teachers.
REPFIRST.ZIP 3,518 04-14-92 Fund for the Improvement and Reform ofSchools and Teaching reports. From the Officeof Educational Research and Improvement.
REPLP.ZIP 3,113 04-14-92 Library Programs Status Reports from theOffice of Educational Research andimprovement.
REPNCES.ZIP 6,456 04-14-92 National Center for Education StatisticsStatus Report from the Office of EducationalResearch and improvement.
REPOR.ZIP 6,849 04-14-92 Office of Research Status Report from theOffice of Educational Research andimprovement.
REPPIP.ZIP 9,493 04-14-92 Programs for Improvement of Practice StatusReport from the Office of EducationalResearch and improvement.
RSTRMSTR.ZIP 55,440 12-11-92 Roster Master Will Create Alphabetized ClassLists From Which You May Print Your StudentRosters, Data Entry Sheets, And AttendanceSheets; Rosters Can Be Saved As Text FilesCapable Of Being Imported Into Other Apps.
RULERTCH.ZIP 64,835 06-15-93 Ruler Teacher is a program written to teachpeople how to read a ruler properly & easily
SCHOOL.ZIP 68,839 10-01-90 School Test Maker Tool For Teachers ToDesign, Save,print Tests For Any School Needs.
SCORE4.ZIP 27,404 02-11-91 Score V4.0: Teachers' Aid For Grading Papers.
SITTER30.ZIP 109,191 11-22-91 Organize Things For Baby Sitter. Timers,Medication, Emergencies, Etc.
SKILLS3A.ZIP 254,866 01-04-95 GRADING SKILLS POWER Version 3.01 ASP Teacherdeveloped database designed for Outcome-BasedEducation (OBE). Printed reports of achievedskills can be used as an alternative orsupplement to a regular gradebook program.
SPELL110.ZIP 194,007 02-22-91 Comprehensive Spelling Program For Use InSchools Or Home School. Teacher Can ProgramMany Options, Including Password Access And"exit To Dos" Prevention.
TA100B.ZIP 53,900 05-23-95 Teacher Assistant is a data base manager forteachers. Build class lists for your schooland yourself. Print your class lists with allyour students' details. Functions includesorting, printing, listing and searching.
TA10B_1.ZIP 347,391 01-29-92 Teacher's Assistant (TA) version 1.0 BETA.
TCH20.ZIP 150,349 10-27-91 Teacher V2.0: Program To Help Teach You InYour Problem Areas; Includes Practice LessonsFor Spelling, Antonyms, Synonyms, Math,History, Geography And More; Will Even HelpYour Typing Too; Designed To Fit Most Age
TEACH241.ZIP 156,974 12-16-92 Teach 241 Is A Multiple-Format Quiz And TestProgram Which Runs Within Tutorialwriter AndQuizmaker (Tw31.Zip And Quizm31.Zip). RecordsAnd Prints Out Quiz And Test Scores.
TESLES10.ZIP 677,019 07-19-94 TEST/LESSON TAKER v1.0 By Dragon SoftwareThis software will run Test Maker 4.0 modulesand Lesson Maker 1.0 modules. You can havethe program load the modules automatically byplacing the file name after the exe file
TGA42_1.ZIP 327,217 02-17-92 The grading assistant (ver 4.2) file #1 of 2
TGA42_2.ZIP 296,692 02-17-92 The grading assistant (ver 4.2) file #2 of 2
TM22.ZIP 399,955 07-16-94 TestMaker v2.2 - Multi-media Test Maker.Create Multiple Choice Tests with up to 250Questions by placing simple Commands in atext file. Add Voice, Graphics, Music andHyperText. Present in any language and record
TPR30.ZIP 81,436 06-26-93 The Progress Report - A Tool for Educators.This program is designed to be used by theclassroom teacher. It is a tool to allow themto create, store, and print detailed studentprogress reports. Each progress report
TPRO20.ZIP 61,352 01-04-93 TestPRO v2.0: test generation program forinstructors of any level; true/false,multiple choice, essay, fill in the blanks,custom questions, etc.
TSD20.ZIP 307,401 10-18-94 THE STUDENT DIRECTORY <ASP> student/teacherdatabase. search & print.- maintain, search,and print an automated directory of studentsand teachers.
TWGP601A.ZIP 1136,525 09-13-94 TeacherWorks Gradebook Pro v6.01a [1/1] ForDOS, a full featured teacher grading systemonly a teacher could love! R&G Software.
VAR50-1.ZIP 311,318 04-04-92 Grade & Attendance Record For Teachers [1/2]
VAR50-2.ZIP 357,585 04-05-92 Grade & Attendance Record For Teachers [2/2]
VARGR1.ZIP 316,017 05-04-93 VAR Grade v6.0 <ASP> Disk 1 of 2. Grade prgmAllows unlimited students, sections, classes,assignments, database items, attendance, andseating charts. Grades can be summed,averaged, discarded, weighted, etc., in any
VARGR2.ZIP 389,367 05-01-93 VAR Grade v6.0 <ASP> Disk 2 of 2. Extremelyflexible & capable grading program.
VGW101.ZIP 1145,737 03-30-95 VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.01A <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sections,average, discard, sum, and require tasks
WIESEL.ZIP 34,896 05-23-92 Eric Wiesel Talks About "US" And Education
WITS.ZIP 16,210 09-01-93 WordPerfect Teacher & Student system. UsesDataPerfect Database program for teachers tocreate and track tests - must havedataperfect to run.
ZPLR410.ZIP 372,214 01-01-95 Zpeller 4.10 <ASP> Spelling & VocabularyTeacher. Handles up to 19 students, studententers correct spelling & defintions for upto 32000 words. Performs 7 different types oftests, and tracks wrong answer for immediate
_FINAID.ZIP 124,471 05-15-92 Helps students find sources of financial aidby matching a students background andeducational goals with a large database ofover 200,000 listings for scholarships,fellowships, grants, and loans.